Episode 30

English with Kirsty – episode 30

Kirsty working with students

Common mistakes part 2

In this episode, I talk about some of the mistakes that I see regularly and how to put them right. The common mistakes post was the most popular post on my blog last year. If you want to listen to the episode that discussed last year’s article, go to episode 10. Click on the “podcast” link in the menu and this will bring you to a list of all the past episodes.

You can listen to episode 30 here:

1. I am waiting for you since 2 o’clock
This is wrong because you can’t use the present tense when you’re talking about an action that started in the past. You have to say “I have been waiting for you since 2 o’clock.”

2. I have been working here since 3 years
This time, the tense is right, but you can’t use “since” when you’re talking about a period of time. “Since” is used for saying when something started.
The correct choice here is “for”.
I have been working here for three years. You could also drop “for” and just say “three years”, but you shouldn’t use “since” in this sentence.

3. It were
“It were” doesn’t exist.
If you are talking about something in the past, use “it was”.
If you are using “were”, because you are talking about a plural, use “there were”.
It was a beautiful day yesterday.
There were a lot of people outside.

4. I look forward to see you on Thursday
I look forward to seeing you on Thursday
I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday.
Either of these are fine. You just need to remember that the verb that follows “look forward to” has to be in the gerund or –ing form.

5. Can you learn me how to do that?
You can learn something. I can teach you something. However, I can’t learn you something.
In the same way, I can lend you something and you can borrow something from me.

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